Targus Lap Chill Mat for Laptop, Black/Gray (AWE55US)

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Brand Targus
Model AWE55US
Color Black with Gray

  • Protects lap or work surface from heat
  • Dual fans help disperse laptop heat for improved functionality; extends the life of the laptop
  • Soft neoprene exterior provides added comfort on your lap
  • Limited One Year Warranty

  • The Targus Lap Chill Mat provides a comfortable and ergonomic work surface to keep you and your laptop cool. The Chill Mat rests on your lap and disperses heat, using dual fans to provide ventilation which can be obstructed if the laptop is used on a pillow or comforter. Simply plug the USB connector into the laptop to activate cooling. The ergonomic tilt makes typing easy while the soft neoprene material provides cushioned comfort on your lap. The open design allows fans to run quietly and stimulates constant airflow. Four rubber stops on the face of the Chill Mat prevents the laptop from slipping. The Targus Lap Chill Mat makes using your laptop an enjoyable experience. Protection - Protects lap or work surface from heat. Function - Dual fans help disperse laptop heat for improved functionality; extends the life of the laptop. Material - Soft neoprene exterior provides added comfort on your lap. RoHS Compliant - Yes Please be advised that new Targus product should arrive in sealed retail packaging as shown in the image gallery.

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