Increases air flow around the video card to improve system stability.
Improves overall system airflow.
Compact design allows it to fit into any expansion slot so airflow can be directed where it's needed most.
Quiet operation for minimal system noise.
Reliable ball bearing motor.
Great for improving airflow around hot-running 3D cards like GeForce® and Radeon®.
Fan utilizes a quiet running brushless DC motor
Power is supplied to the fan using a standard LP4 (hard drive power connector) pass through plug.
This high quality PCI Fan is an add-in cooling fan designed to fit in the PCI, ISA or AGP expansion slots of any computer. The PCI fan helps improve expansion card (video card, etc.) performance, by preventing overheating, making it a great video card cooler for older, hot-running 3D graphics cards like the Voodoo, TNT2, GeForce256 and more. Powered through a simple LP4 connection to the computer power supply, the quiet-running PCI Fan utilizes a brushless DC motor that helps maintain expansion card temperatures while creating minimal noise levels. Compact enough to fit into almost any expansion slot such that airflow can be directed as needed most,'s PCI Fan is backed by 1-year warranty and free lifetime technical support. Brand: StarTech, Model: FANCASE, Color: Black, Size: Expansion Slot Fan
Custom Tab 01
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