Rosewill USB Wireless adapter / WiFi adapter / Wifi Dongle , N150 Wireless dongle , 150Mbps Wireless USB adapter - Ideal for Raspberry Pi (RNX-N150NUB)

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  • Connect your laptops and PCs to Wireless N networks
  • Wireless 11N speeds up to 150 Mbps makes the RNX-N150UB ideal for HD video streaming, online gaming and VoIP calls Nano-sized, plug-and-forget design
  • Power Saving design supports smart-transmit power control and auto-idle state adjustment
  • Soft AP Mode makes the adapter a virtual Wi-Fi hotspot
  • Compatible with IEEE802.11b/g/n products
  • Supports advanced security 64 / 128-bit WEP, WPA / WPA2, WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK (TKIP / AES)
  • Supports software-based WPS and Quick setup/ installation with included CD
  • Supports Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10. For Windows 10: Install the Windows 8.1 driver to initiate auto-detect function if your Windows 10 doesn't find the driver.

  • The Best Use of Your Wi-Fi: Rosewill RNX-N150NUB connects your laptop or desktop to a wireless network to enjoy fast, reliable wireless connectivity. The Nano-size design makes the adapter convenient and, once connected to a USB port, can simply be left there. It's your number one choice for enjoying fast, reliable wireless networking. Create a Hotspot with the Soft AP Feature: You can activate the SoftAP function to create a Wi-Fi hotspot for other devices. With this feature, multiple people can access the Internet when travelling to places where there is only one data cable for Internet. Plug in and Forget: With its Nano-size design, users can connect the adapter to any USB port and leave it there. There's no need to worry about blocking adjacent USB devices, or that the adapter may fall out when moving a connected laptop with the tiny device flush against the USB port. Advanced Wireless Security: The advanced WPA / WPA2 encryption created by the Wi-Fi Alliance promotes interoperability and security for WLANs, which effectively and efficiently protects a user's wireless environment. Easy Setup: 1. Install the USB wireless adapter into the PC / laptop; 2. Install the software with the included CD; 3. Scan for the available networks and connect to complete the installation.
    Brand: Rosewill, Model: RNX-N150NUB

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