Meet the best of both worlds. The Razer Tartarus V2 combines the soft cushioned touch of a membrane rubber dome with the crisp tactile click of a mechanical switch. Each key is actuated at mid-height for an instantaneous response. Now you can command faster than ever.
Equip yourself with a complete arsenal of 32 fully programmable keys for skills, hotkeys and macros right at your fingertips. The 8-way directional thumbpad can also be used for easy movement or to expand on commands.
Featuring individually programmable backlit keys and 16.8 million color options. Choose from preloaded lighting effects or create your own unique palette of colors for a gaming experience that's truly yours-all set easily through Razer Synapse 3 (Beta).
Thanks to advanced ergonomics, you'll feel nothing but a comfortable fit whether you're gaming for an hour or ten. Comes with a detachable palm rest with two adjustable positions to suit your preferred angle of comfort.
Start by binding a button on your keypad to Hypershift. Upon clicking and holding it, you enter "Hypershift mode", which opens a secondary set of commands for everything from macros to windows shortcuts, on top of your current controls. This doubles your device's capabilities.
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