Linksys PLTK300 PowerLine Network Kit

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  • Use your existing powerlines to network your computers and other devices
  • Share files, printers, storage, and networked games throughout your home ¿ connect it to a router to share your Cable or DSL Internet connection
  • Easily add more devices to your network by plugging additional adapters into electrical outlets
  • HomePlug 1.0 with Turbo technology for data rates up to 85Mbps, compatible with HomePlug 1.0
  • Kit includes one single-port and one four-port adapter

  • The Linksys Powerline Network Kit contains a single-port Powerline Adapter, and a four-port Powerline Adapter, which let you easily create a network using the existing electrical outlets in your home. Now you don't have to drill holes in walls and climb through the attic or cellar to install network cables -- just use the wires that already run through the building. With Powerline Network Adapters, you can connect computers or any other wired Ethernet device using the HomePlug 1.0 with Turbo network standard. They also work with older HomePlug 1.0 devices. Adding devices to the network is as simple as plugging a Powerline Adapter into an electrical outlet, and connecting your Ethernet-equipped devices to the built-in Ethernet ports. Additional devices can be connected to the same network using additional Powerline Adapters plugged into any electrical outlet anywhere in the house.
    Brand: Linksys, Model: PLTK300

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