High-speed performance-leverages UDMA 7 technology to deliver a read transfer speed up to 1066x (160MB/s)
Captures high-quality images and extended lengths of stunning 1080p full-HD, 3D, and 4K video with a DSLR camera, HD camcorder, or 3D camera
Supports the Video Performance Guarantee specification for professional-quality video (VPG-65)
High-speed file transfer from card to computer to dramatically accelerate workflow
Includes downloadable Image Rescue software to recover most photo and select video files
The Lexar Professional 1066x CompactFlash card lets you quickly capture and transfer high-quality photos and 1080p full-HD, 3D, and 4K video, with a read transfer speed up to 1066x (120MB/s). The card leverages UDMA 7 technology for high-speed performance, and supports the Video Performance Guarantee (VPG-65) specification for professional-quality video. And when using a USB 3.0 card reader, you'll power through post-production with high-speed card-to-computer file transfer. This dramatically accelerates workflow from start to finish, so you can save time and get back to the business of photography. The card includes downloadable Image Rescue software and comes with a limited lifetime warranty. Brand: Lexar, Model: LCF128CRBNA10662, Size: 128GB
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