Protect your keyboard from dirt, crumbs, and spills
Custom fit and soft feel
Customize the look of your Mac
We have all been there reaching for a piece of paper and accidentally spilling your coffee across your keyboard; snacking on food to help keep yourself awake at 1:00 AM and having to pick the crumbs out from between the keys the next morning or, better yet, using compressed air to BLAST them out! We feel your pain and have a solution - our unique Keyboard Covers for the new MacBook laptops. 100% silicone, they are molded precisely to cover your entire keyboard and protect it from the endless barrage of spills, crumbs, dust and general wear and tear. Our Keyboard Covers will not restrict your typing in any way. In fact, typing using our covers is more enjoyable! they are soft to the touch, durable and will not shift around (not to mention, hassle free!) Brand: KB Gear, Model: CB-M-Pink, Color: Clear with pink buttons, Size: 13 Inches
Custom Tab 01
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