IBM 31P7415 104-Key Keyboard (Black)

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  • Quiet, full-size keyboard for PCs
  • 104 keys; includes three Microsoft Windows keys
  • Black
  • PS/2 connectivity, two-meter cable

  • Its safe to say that you interact with your keyboard more than any other part of your system. It should be easy and comfortable to use. Function and reliability should be standard. IBM knows this. Thats why IBMs broad selection of keyboards is designed with human engineering considered first and built to be compatible with your diverse needs.IBM brings ease of use, comfort, and durability to your fingers with the new IBM Preferred Pro full-size keyboard. The detachable palm rest, adjustable tilt, and two-meter cable provide flexibility and comfort. A solid construction houses 104 quiet keys, including three Windows keys.
    Brand: IBM, Model: 31P7415

    Custom Tab 01

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