Green Onions Ultra-Thin Custom Molded Silicone Keyboard Protector (RT-KBS04)

Green Onions Supply
Out Of Stock


  • Provides keyboard protection from spills, dirt, crumbs, bacteria, and other common contaminants
  • Ultra-thin silicone provides a transparent, durable and flexible defense that's very comfortable to type through. At less than 0.25 mm thick, you can bring it inside a closed MacBook
  • Clean up is simple: just wash it with water and detergent or wipe it with an alcohol swab, and once it's dry, it's ready to go again
  • Installation is as easy as laying the Protector over the keys

  • Silicone Keyboard Protector for the polycarbonate MacBook and MacBook Air. This is a premium custom-molded silicone keyboard cover, specifically fit to the keyboard layout of the white MacBook and MacBook Air. It rests over the keys, keeping out spills, dirt, bacteria, and other contaminants from getting onto or into the keyboard area. This helps keep your MacBook clean, since you can remove the protector for cleaning. Our silicone is thin and durable: at only 0.25 mm thick, it's transparent and very soft, providing a clean look and excellent key response.
    Brand: Green Onions Supply, Model: RT-KBS04

    Custom Tab 01

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