Global Cache GC-BL2 IR Blaster Infrared Signal Extender for GC-100 Devices

Global Caché
Out Of Stock


  • The GC-BL2 is an IR Blaster that works with GC-100 Network Adapters to transmit IR signals up to 40 feet across a room.
  • The GC-BL2 requires no power supply or connecting block and is the perfect solution for installations where IR signal strength is a problem.
  • Plug-and-play design makes for quick and easy operation.
  • Frequency range of 30 - 500 kHz.
  • Standard 3.5mm stereo plug and 6 foot cable.


    Global Cache's GC-100 home network adapter lets you connect common household devices such as TVs, DVD players and audio systems to your Ethernet network.

    The GC-BL2 is designed for use with the Global Caché GC-100 Network Adapters to transmit IR signals across a room up to 40 feet. No power supply or connecting block is required for use. With an IR modulation frequency range of 30-500 kHz, and transmitting up to 40 feet, the Blaster is the perfect solution to any IR signal strength problem. The Blaster employs a standard 3.5mm stereo plug and 6ft cable for easy connection and installation for use with the GC-100 Network Adapter.

    Brand: Global Caché, Model: GC-BL2

    Custom Tab 01

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