Includes CD for FlukeView Forms Version 3.0, plastic infrared adapter (aids meter/PC connection), PC to meter IR-USB cable
Also includes user manual, registration card, software license agreement, installation instructions for IR-USB cable
With FlukeView Forms documenting software, the logging capabilities of handheld test equipment can be used to solve tough problems
You can download the readings from meters into FlukeView Forms to spot trends and document measurement data
Instantly review and compare data from up to 6 different meters on the same document - providing analysis capabilities that a meter alone can't provide
FlukeView Forms plus Designer allows a user to edit an existing form or create a new form to customize the report to individual needs. To address the increasing demands for reporting and documentation, Fluke presents FlukeView Forms documenting software. FlukeView Forms increases the power of your Fluke tool by enabling you to document, store and analyze individual readings or series of measurements, then convert them into professional-looking documents. The ability of FlukeView Forms to support multiple instruments enables the user to install and learn only one software application in order to use these multiple tools fully. Use the FlukeView Forms plus Designer to customize your reports or add your company logo. Share or store your data with co-workers or clients - print forms, export to other software programs, or have co-workers and clients down load the free FlukeView Demo/Reader to view and interact with your captured data. With USB/IR cable. FlukeView Forms supports the following test tools: 280 Series, 53-II B and 54-II B, 789, 1550B, 1653, 180 Series. Number of standard forms: 9. Able to modify standard forms. Includes FlukeView Forms Designer for customizing forms. Number of multiple meters whose data can be viewed simultaneously: 8. Number of concurrently running instances of FlukeView Forms allowed: 4. Ability to change company name on report. Supports multi-page forms. Requirements: Operating system: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7. Minimum PC Hardware: Pentium class or better microprocessor, 32 MB RAM, 70 MB hard disk space (100 MB to install), USB port. Size: 203 x 100 x 50mm. Brand: Fluke, Model: FVF-SC2, Size: For 280 Series, 53-II B and 54-II B, 180 Series, 789, 1550B and 1653B
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