CORSAIR M65 Pro RGB - FPS Gaming Mouse - 12,000 DPI Optical Sensor - Adjustable DPI Sniper Button - Tunable Weights -  Black

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  • 12000 DPI high-accuracy sensor: custom tuned, gaming grade sensor for pixel-precise tracking
  • Aircraft-grade aluminum structure: light weight, durability, and optimal mass distribution
  • Advanced weight tuning system: set the center of gravity to match your play style
  • Surface calibration tuning utility: Optimizes sensor precision and responsiveness for your playing surface
  • Optimized sniper button positioning: take advantage of on-the-fly DPI switching to instantly match mouse speed to gameplay demands
  • Harness the Power of CUE: don't just configure your mouse - program it with double macros, custom RGB lighting, and more
  • Eight strategically placed buttons: gain an advantage by customizing your button configuration and play your way
  • High-capacity Omron switches rated for 20 million clicks: ensure reliable performance that holds up through even the longest campaigns.

  • The M65 PRO RGB is a competition-grade FPS gaming mouse with the technology you need to win, the flexibility to make it your own, and the build quality to last. The high-accuracy 12000 DPI sensor provides pixel-precise tracking and advanced surface calibration support, and the aircraft-grade aluminum frame gives it low weight and high durability. Use the advanced weight tuning system to set the center of gravity to match your play style, and harness the power of CUE for advanced button configuration, macro programming, and three-zone RGB backlighting customization. Customer Service / Tech support: 1-888-222-4346 opt. 1
    Brand: Corsair, Model: CH-9300011-NA, Color: Black, Size: FPS

    Custom Tab 01

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