Connect a SCSI-2 scanner, external storage device or other SCSI-2 peripheral to either a SCSI-2 bus or another SCSI-2 peripheral
Available in lengths up to 6ft
Lifetime Warranty
This cable features the Micro-Density 50-pin connector found on Fast SCSI-2 host adapters and on other SCSI-2 peripherals. With this cable, you can connect one peripheral directly to another, or to a SCSI host adapter card. Designed with a foil and braided shield overwrapping a twisted-pair construction, this cable uses a high quality 132 Ohm impedance wire appropriate for the SCSI-2 bus speeds. Cable shielding provides data integrity and maximum immunity to EMI/RFI interference. The shielding is meticulously handled by 360° soldering from the wire shielding to the metal shell which shields the connector. The squeeze latches which fasten the cable to the device are located for easy plug-in and removal, and ensure an on-going, dependable connection. Molded connectors provide strain relief and add additional protection against EMI/RFI interference. Brand: C2G, Model: 3563, Color: Gray
Custom Tab 01
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