Average Particle Size: less than 0.49 micron less than 0.000020 inch
Extended Temperature Limits: Peak: 50oC to more than 180oC
Long-Term: 50oC to 130oC
Performance: 3 to 12 degrees centigrade lower CPU full load core temperatures than standard thermal compounds or thermal pads when measured with a calibrated thermal diode imbedded in the CPU core.
Coverage Area: A 3.5 gram syringe contains enough compound to cover at least 15 to 25 small CPU cores or 6 to 10 large CPU cores or 2 to 5 heat plates. At a layer 0.003" thick the 3.5 gram syringe will cover approximately 16 square inches.
Arctic Silver 5 premium thermal compound, with 99.9% pure micronized silver, is specifically designed to maximize the thermal conductivity between today's high-powered processors and high-performance cooling assemblies. Arctic Silver 5 uses three unique shapes and sizes of near-pure silver particles to maximize particle-to-particle contact area and thermal transfer. It can reduce CPU core temperatures by up to 50°F over standard silicone thermal pastes. Controlled triple phase viscosity allows Arctic Silver 5 to fill, over time, microscopic valleys and gaps in CPU and heatsink surfaces. One 12g tube can cover up to 85 CPU cores. Brand: Arctic Silver 5, Model: AS5-12G X2, Size: AS5 - 12 Grams
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