High Performance: Up to 500Mbps with Powerline AV500
Includes an extra, pass-through power outlet
Plug-and-Play Setup: Requires no software or additional installation
The Powerline Nano AV500 Network Adapter Kit extends your network to any room using the existing power outlets. The PLA2 includes two Powerline network adapters. Simply plug one adapter into an available power outlet and connect the adapter to your router. Plug the second adapter into another power outlet in your home or office and connect the adapter to your network device. With plug-and-play setup, it's that easy. Enjoy surfing the web, watching movies or streaming music from any room! Powerline networking is ideal for homes and offices that have trouble with Wi-Fi connections or have metal walls that cause Wi-Fi interference. The PLA2 is perfect for connecting your smart TV, HD set top boxes, Blu-ray players, game consoles and more, to your home network. With the extra, pass-through power outlet on the adapters, you won't have to worry about searching for an extra power outlet to power your devices. The small size of the adapter also allows for discreet installations on any wall or behind media center cabinets. The PLA2 provides a secure, reliable and stable Internet connection in places where Wi-Fi signals have problems reaching. The PLA2 can also be used with an Amped Wireless Wi-Fi Access Point to extend your Wi-Fi connection through thick walls and eliminate dead spots (see below for details). Add more Powerline adapters for added connectivity in additional rooms. Brand: Amped Wireless, Model: PLA2, Color: White
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