Purina Friskies Party Mix Original Crunch Cat Treats - Ten (10) 2.1 oz. Pouches

Purina Friskies
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  • Ten (10) 2.1 oz. Pouch - Purina Friskies Party Mix Original Crunch Cat Treats
  • Real chicken is the #1 ingredient
  • With liver and turkey flavors
  • Under 2 calories per treat
  • Helps clean your cat's teeth

  • Serve up a sensational snack for your cat with Purina Friskies Party Mix Original Crunch adult cat treats. Each delightful treat features real chicken as the #1 ingredient, so you know your cat's getting wholesome goodness in addition to an irresistible taste. Liver and turkey deliver purr-fectly delicious flavors to her snacking experience, while the intriguing shapes invite her to paw and play at treat time. She's sure to love the satisfying crunch found in these cat treats, and you can love giving her a between-meal reward that also helps clean her teeth. Feed her a few treats during playtime to make every moment you spend with her even more enjoyable, or leave a treat in her dish as a special surprise between meals. This Purina Friskies Party Mix recipe offers a mouthwatering combination of savory flavors cats adore, making every bite a true treat for her taste buds.
    Brand: Purina Friskies, Model: 11062449, Size: 2.1 oz. Pouch (Pack of 10)

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