Fresh Step Odor Shield Scented Litter with the Power of Febreze, Clumping Cat Litter, 14 Pounds

Fresh Step
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Brand Fresh Step
Model 10044600030392
Size 14 Pound

  • CLUMPING LITTER: Fight litter box odors with the strength of the original Fresh Step Odor Shield Litter partnered with the power of Febreze in our easy to scoop, clumping clay cat litter
  • ODOR CONTROL CAT LITTER: Specially formulated for the stinkiest litter boxes, this Fresh Step litter has a 10-day odor control guarantee with activated charcoal that traps and eliminates kitty litter odor
  • LOW DUST LITTER: For cleaner surfaces and clearer air, we developed a low dust formula that's paw activated fragrance is released every time your cat uses the litter box in four compact, convenient resealable packs that make litter easy to carry, pour and store
  • SCOOPABLE KITTY LITTER: Make cleaning easy with the clumping formula that absorbs liquid and forms tight clumps leaving behind no stinky crumbles with ClumpLock technology
  • FRESH STEP CAT LITTER: Made for extreme litter box odors, this scented Fresh Step scoopable cat litter is created with your cats health and happiness in mind

  • Fresh Step Odor Shield with Febreze Freshness Scented Clumping Cat Litter contains carbon to inhibit bacterial odor for up to 10 days and tight clumping clay for easy litter box maintenance. In this scented formula, a paw-activated fragrance is released every time your cat uses the litter box, providing odor control as needed without being overpowering. The high quality clumping clay forms tight clumps leaving virtually no stinky crumbles after scooping, which makes cleaning fast and easy. Odor Shield with Febreze Freshness Clumping Cat Litter has a low dust formula that is designed for cleaner surfaces and clearer air. To refresh and maintain your litter box, every time you scoop just add more Fresh Step scented cat litter.

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