Feliway Refills for Diffuser 3 PACK (144 ml)

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  • Prevent cats from urinating where they shouldn't
  • Duplicates the smell of a cat's natural scent glands
  • Cats will not soil anything close to where Feliway has been sprayed
  • Lasts approximately four weeks
  • Helps to restore a feeling of calm in the cat

  • Feliway Refills (Comfort Zone) spray and diffusers prevent cats from urinating where they shouldn't. aThis fantastic new pheromone Feliway spray or diffuser duplicates the smell of a cat's natural scent glands. Cats will not soil anything close to where Feliway has been sprayed. Enjoy extra savings on a 6 pack of 48 ml refills. Feliway Diffuser resolves marking problems naturally. Provides an effective way to control and manage unwanted feline behaviors such as: urine marking, scratching, stress and anxiety. Also useful in acclimating cats to new environments. Creates a calming effect. SITUATION FELIWAY SPRAY FELIWAY DIFFUSER COMMENTS Urine marking Supplement Preferred For best results, use the Feliway Diffuser in combination with the Feliway Spray. Vertical scratching Preferred Supplement The Feliway Spray should be applied directly to the entire scratched surface. The Feliway Diffuser can also help reduce stress. Multicat household Supplement Preferred The Feliway Diffuser should be used to reduce the general level of stress in all cats. The Feliway Spray can be used in combination with the Diffuser in high traffic areas. Changes to the cat's environment Remodeling /renovation Supplement Preferred The Feliway Diffuser is teh most convenient formulation. The Feliway Spray can be used in combination with the Diffuser to enhance effectiveness. Rearrangement of the furniture Supplement Preferred New arrivals (baby, new pet...) Supplement Preferred Stressful events Fireworks Supplement Preferred The Feliway Diffuser is the most convenient formulation. Begin use 12 weeks before anticipated event. Holidays, parties Supplement Preferred Familiarization with a new environment New house Supplement Preferred The Feliway Diffuser is the most convenient formulation. The Feliway Spray can be used in combination with the Diffuser or in a situation whrere the Diffuser is not practical (boarding, kennels, carriers). Adoption Supplement Preferred Boarding Preferred Sup
    Brand: Feliway, Model: FBA_122312

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