Whistler CR65 High Performance Laser Radar Detector: 360 Degree Protection and Tone Alerts

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  • Provides 360 degrees of complete perimeter protection, detecting signals from the front, sides, and rear
  • Detects X band, K band, Super Wideband Ka, and total laser protection including Laser Atlanta Stealth mode, Laser Ally, and LTI TruSpeed S
  • Features POP Mode, an advanced speed detection capability that responds to brief bursts of radar
  • Traffic Flow Signal Rejection (TFSR) helps eliminate alerts from radar based traffic flow sensors
  • Tone alerts and an icon display that shows alerts and signal strength; Includes a 12V power cord and a windshield bracket kit

  • The Whistler CR65 laser radar detector is a high performance, professional grade dash model which detects all new lasers used in North America. It delivers 360 degrees of complete perimeter protection, detecting signals from the front, sides, and rear. The high gain lens provides an increased field of view, as well as a longer range of detection. With total band protection, the Whistler CR65 will detect X band, K band, Super Wideband Ka, and total laser protection; including Laser Atlanta Stealth mode, Laser Ally, and LTI TruSpeed S. Features POP Mode detection which is an advanced speed detection capability that responds to brief bursts of radar. Traffic Flow Signal Rejection (TFSR) helps eliminate alerts from radar based traffic flow sensors. The low emission design makes it difficult to be detected by VG-2 and other radar detector detectors. This laser radar detector features tone alerts and an icon display that shows alerts and signal strength. Flashing blue LED lights provide an additional visual notification. The Whistler CR65 measures 4.46" L x 2.83" W x 1.26" H, weighs 0.31 lbs., and includes a 12V power cord and a windshield bracket kit.
    Brand: Whistler, Model: CR65, Color: Black

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