The first truly portable Ag camera system; anywhere you could use an extra set of eyes to monitor your daily tasks
Ideal for use around the farm, monitor filling grain bins, auger equipment and hitching of all sorts of farm implements
Makes hitching any style trailer a simple process
No more in and out of your truck numerous times to hitch up your trailer
Now you can hitch up your trailer fast, in 3 easy steps
Includes 120V AC to 12V DC Adapter
The Swift Hitch wireless camera system was designed to assist anyone who has ever struggled with hitching any style trailer or snowplow. This totally portable system is charged and powered by any vehicle's 12-volt socket, using the included charge cable, and will run continuously for up to 4 hours. The fully automatic night vision camera allows the user to hitch up in total darkness. Brand: Swift Hitch, Model: SH02
Custom Tab 01
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