Radio Antenna Mast for 07-18 Jeep Wrangler - AM FM Signal - Flexible Rubber 13" Inch Replacement

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  • IN TANDEM: Antenna won't affect your connections with Onstar, Bluetooth, GPS navigations or Sirius XM
  • SCREWS IN: Mountain bolt thread is 8mm, will stay secure in high speeds and rough weather.
  • EASY INSTALL: Replaces part 56038725AC. Installation takes only a few minutes.
  • LIGHT: The antenna is lightweight but sturdy. it's looks keep it blended with your Jeep while giving your great signal reception.
  • Made by a trusted company OxGord

  • Boost your Jeep's radio signal with a 13-inch antenna radio signal mast. The secure fit ensures a boost in signal strength for your Jeep. it's sturdy enough to handle harsh weather and car washes. Works for AM/FM frequencies and is shock resistant. The 13-inch mast is long enough to give your a boost but short enough to avoid impact with other objects. Made by a trusted brand OxGord.
    Brand: OxGord, Color: Black

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