Follow the contour/with iPilot equipped Minn Kota trolling Motor
Depth highlight
The intuitive, fish-finding power of SmartStrike. It's like having your own personal fishing guide with decades of experience.Humminbird SmartStrike takes you straight to the action by showing you where the fish are biting at any given moment. This powerful software Program contained on the SmartStrike map card allows anglers to utilize Humminbird LakeMaster high-definition map data and extensive search algorithms to pattern and locate fish like never before.Based on search parameters like fish species, season, time of day, and temperature, the SmartStrike engine searches Depth ranges, type of structure, proximity, and more to quickly reveal and highlight the results on the map.Build a custom search based on criteria you choose, or click any location on a lake, select find similar areas, and millions of data points are searched to return other areas like it.Features:- great plains: Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska- shallow water highlight- Depth highlight- water level offset- follow the contour/with i-pilot link equipped Minn Kota trolling motor Specifications:- compatible with i-pilot- the plug & play SmartStrike map card works exclusively with Humminbird Onix and ion Series (Onix and ion not included)"" Brand: Humminbird, Model: 600036-2
Custom Tab 01
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