Escort StickyCup Windshield Mount

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  • Strong adherence to the windshield
  • Thumb wheel for angle adjustment; Locking clamp
  • Works with all current ESCORT radar detectors
  • Not for Max 360, Passport Max 2, Passport Max, Escort iX, Passport iQ, Solo S4 or SmartRadar.
  • Care instructions: To clean your sticky cup, simply rinse under warm water, gently wipe off any debris and allow to air dry

  • The new heavy duty low-profile StickyCup is a full-featured mount that includes a semi-sticky gel ring on the cup surface that improves cohesion and detector support on the windshield. The gel ring helps the StickyCup provide dramatically improved performance by filling in unseen but otherwise potentially destructive imperfections on the windshield mounting surface. With the gaps eliminated, StickyCup provides significantly greater surface adhesion and attachment force to the windshield. StickyCup is easy to use and fits all grades and slopes of automotive windshield glass. The new mount includes a rotating knob that adjusts the angle of the StickyCup bracket to perfectly match the pitch of the driver's windshield. Once set, the mount permanently mirrors with the windshield slope and is always ready to use.
    Brand: Escort, Model: 00100441, Color: Black

    Custom Tab 01

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