Davis Mark 3 Sextant Bundle with Artificial Horizon & Celestial Navigation Quick Reference Chart (3 Items)
Mark 3 Sextant comes with instruction booklet
Sometimes referred to as a "lifeboat" sextant, yet this model has taken sailors around the world!
Artificial Horizon comes with two sun shades, a lid and full directions
Celestial Navigation Quick Reference System. Weatherproof High Strength Plastic - Used on USCG Patrol Boats!
Davis #11 Mark 3 Sextant Bundle with #144 Artificial Horizon & #132 Celestial Navigation Quick Reference Chart (3 Items) Mark 3 Sextant - Sometimes referred to as a "lifeboat" sextant, the Mark 3 is an inexpensive training sextant. Yet this model has taken sailors around the world, too! It is full-sized and has sunshades, but no optical magnification to help you find dim celestial bodies. Comes with instruction booklet. Artificial Horizon: Answers the need of every sextant user who cannot depend on a natural sea horizon. Use for backyard practice, finding exact position when inland, and making exact sextant shot on foggy mornings. To use, fill with water and read the angle of the reflected sun with your sextant. Half your sextant reading is the sun & angle above the true horizon. Comes with two sun shades, a lid and full directions. Celestial Navigation Quick Reference System. Includes everything you need: sextant use and corrections, starfinder for 18 stars, data entry form, and step-by-step sight reduction and plotting procedures. May be scored and separated; large portion fits in the sextant case for quick reference, and small part acts as a waterproof data reduction card Brand: Davis, Model: 4330259588
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