Original Baby Elephant Ears Head Support Pillow for Stroller, Swing, Bouncer, Changing Table, Car Seat, etc. (Black Dandy Damask)

Original Baby Elephant Ears
SKU: EZFB0039N23C8
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  • BABY SUPPORT PILLOW - This colorful Black Damask baby neck support pillow by Baby Elephant Ears helps to support a baby's head more comfortably while in a stroller, bouncy seat, or swing. It works well for infants, babies, and young children. Gently slide this cute baby support pillow behind the baby's neck, make sure they are down to the bottom of your baby's neck, and pull the lower-end of the "ears" to be slightly in front of your baby's shoulders.
  • RECOMMENDED SUPPORT - There is no padding behind the neck so the baby's head isn't pushed forward, simply supported from the sides. The Baby Elephant Ears pillow gives gentle neck and head support for baby and infants.
  • STROLLER SUPPORT CUSHION - You can use this infant support pillow as a perfect stroller support for baby. Very young babies cannot hold up their own heads until their neck muscles fully develop and strengthen. Baby Elephant Ears created this baby neck support pillow with that very special need in mind. Use this stroller support for baby even after infancy to give added comfort, stability, and support.
  • SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS - Made of 100% cotton fabric and 100% polyester fill, it measures 9.1 x 13 x 2 inches. We are committed to being an eco-conscious business-we use ethical, local manufacturing, and have a carbon-neutral green website.
  • PROPER POSTURE FOR BABIES - Baby Elephant Ears are recommended for ages 0-2 and beyond. Our baby pillow supports neck and head with superior support, encouraging healthy, strong posture development. Originally created to assist babies in the infant through 2 years old stages, it can be used as long as it fits your child properly and comfortably.

  • Original Baby Elephant Ears Black Damask Head Support Pillow is a multi-use headrest for babies and toddlers to assist with proper head and neck alignment and comfort. Until babies develop neck/head strength and control, they need gentle support for comfort and stability. Our baby neck support pillow offers superior support for infants age 0- 2 years old. Our baby pillow supports neck and head, encouraging healthy strong posture development. Use this baby support pillow for your stroller, swing, changing table, and bouncy seat. Not intended for crib use. Not a safety device, for comfort only. Do not leave child unattended while using. Created by a young mom, our elephant ears baby head support is easy to care for and fully washable in a washing machine with cool, gentle cycle. Tumble dry on a warm heat cycle. Our baby head support pillow requires no attachments, straps, or special skills to use. Gently slide this cute baby support pillow behind the baby's neck, make sure they are down to the bottom of your baby's neck, and pull the lower-end of the "ears" to be slightly in front of your baby's shoulders. Baby Elephant Ears gives the support they need, continuing to offer comfort and cushioning as they grow and develop. We care deeply about kids, and also our environment. Committed to being an eco-conscious business, we use ethical local manufacturing and have received several awards, including the Huggies Mominspired Award, the #1 Head Support in Baby & Children's Product News Readers Favorite Choice Awards (consecutively in 2013-2016), and the Parent's Choice Top Product Award in 2017.
    Brand: Original Baby Elephant Ears, Model: 1002, Color: Black Dandy Damask

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