mifold Grab-and-Go Car Booster Seat, Slate Grey

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  • More than 10x smaller than a regular booster seat and just as safe
  • The most advanced, compact, and portable booster seat ever invented designed for kids aged 4 and up, 40 to 100 lbs, and 40 to 57 inches tall
  • While mifold is excellent for every day use, it is designed as a brilliant child restraint seat for occasions when a traditional booster is not available or practical
  • Folds up to fit into a child's backpack, glove compartment or bag
  • Safety tested and meets or exceeds NHTSA standard FMVSS 213 in the USA (THIS PRODUCT IS PRODUCED ONLY FOR USE IN THE USA and is not the International version, regulated under ECE R44/04)

  • mifold Grab-and-Go booster seat is the most advanced, compact, and portable booster seat ever invented. mifold is more than 10x smaller than a regular child's car booster seat and it's just as safe.

    mifold has been regularly crash tested successfully in certified facilities around the world and meets or exceed the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard: FMVSS 213 as defined by NHTSA (the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).

    The simple fact is that today, in one in five journeys, children do not have a car seat: in carpools, with grandparents or other relatives, in taxis, on vacations, in rental cars, with three-in-a-row and so on. And this does not include bigger kids on the border of the regulatory limits, who do not want to appear babyish to friends, who have already outgrown child restraints.

    With mifold there is no longer any excuse. With a compact and portable device, a child can easily keep one with them all the time and drivers can keep spares, without cluttering up a car and losing cabin or luggage space.

    With mifold, a child can always be safe no matter whose car they are in - and that is the mifold vision!

    Brand: mifold, Model: MF01-US/GRY, Color: Slate Grey, Size: 4-12 years old

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