Manito Breath Original 3D Mesh Seat Pad/Cushion/Liner for Stroller and Car Seat, Beige

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Brand Manito
Model BOST-29000-BG
Color Beige
Size One Size

  • Breathable sequential 3D-mesh construction keeps cool air in the summer and warm air in the winter.
  • Soft cushion for extra comfort and excellent self recovery to its original shape.
  • Easy to install, light-weight and highly durable by its use of premium material.
  • Hygienic construction prevents from growth of harmful microbes.
  • 100% Polyester. Made in Korea

  • Manito Breath Original Seat Liner for Strollers & Car Seats is all year-round breathable seat liner for your child's dry and comfortable riding experience. Its Sequential 3D-Mesh construction is breathable, wicks away moisture and provides excellent air circulation keeping the seat cool during summer and circulates warm air from the body heat during winter.

    - "Breathable" Sequential 3D-mesh construction keeps cool air in the summer and warm air in the winter.

    - Dual side construction composed of 3D-Mesh can be used in either side.

    - Can be used on small to large strollers, car seats and high-chairs.

    - Soft cushion for extra comfort.

    - Excellent self recovery to its original shape.

    - Its premium material is highly durable, light-weight and easy to handle.

    - Hygienic construction prevents from growth of harmful microbes.

    - Easy installation.

    - Secures with "S-Hooks" to prevent from slipping from the seats.

    - Overall Width: 15.7 (W) / Overall Height: 28.7 (H) (actual sizing may vary by approx. 1/2 an inch due to characteristics of 3D- Mesh construction)

    - Made in Korea

    -Note: Due to nature of 3D Mesh surface, some may experience temporary imprint marks on the skin from the pattern of the fabric when used in bare skin. Do not be concerned as this is just a temporary effect and the marks should disappear in a short period.

    Care Instruction: Hand wash recommended and air dry only. If machine wash, it is recommended to use mesh wash bag to prevent debris and dust getting stuck inside the 3D-Mesh after washing. Do not machine dry.

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