J.L. Childress Spinner Wheelie Deluxe Car Seat Travel Bag, Black

J.L. Childress
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  • The first and only car seat travel bag with four 360-degree spinner wheels. Easy, multi-directional upright rolling without needing to tilt. Push or pull the bag in any direction
  • Fully padded on sides, top and back for deluxe protection of your valuable car seat
  • Airline Certified. Brought to you by J.L. Childress, the worldwide leading brand in universal car seat and stroller travel bags. From our family to yours, Travel Happy! #travelhappy #jlchildress #familytravel
  • Large opening - full access front opening with high-quality dual-zipper provides ease for loading car seat into bag
  • Fits almost all brands and styles of convertible car seats, boosters and infant seats. Does not fit Recaro Rally or Racer. When traveling with an infant car seat, detach the base and place it on top of the car seat inside the bag
  • Dual, lockable zipper opening ; Durable construction using water resistant and easy to clean materials

  • The J.L. Childress Spinner Wheelie Deluxe Car Seat Travel Bag combines complete protection for your car seat with the ultimate maneuverability of four spinner wheels. Use the Spinner Wheelie Deluxe to protect your child's car seat from damage, dirt, moisture and germs when checked as luggage, gate checked, on trains or aboard cruise ships. Four multi-directional spinner wheels provide 360-degree upright rolling. You can push or pull the bag in any direction without needing to tilt. The Spinner Wheelie Deluxe is constructed of durable, easy-clean 600D polyester fabric with PVC backing for strength and water-resistance. FULLY PADDED sides, top and back provide the highest level of protection for your valuable car seat. High-quality wheels with corner protection guard against wear and tear at critical contact points. A full-access front opening with high-quality dual, lockable zippers provides ease for moving car seat in and out of the bag. The bag features a solid and sturdy base with raised edges to help keep car seat in place while rolling, adding to ease of maneuverability. Additional features include a top carry handle and clear ID card pocket. The Spinner Wheelie Deluxe was designed to fit almost ALL brands and styles of convertible car seats, booster seats and infant car seats. TIP: When traveling with an infant car seat, detach the base and place it on top of the car seat inside the bag. Traveling with your child's car seat is now easier and more convenient than EVER before.
    Brand: J.L. Childress, Model: 2207BLK, Color: Black

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