Graco SlimFit All-in-One Convertible Car Seat, Darcie, One Size

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Brand Graco
Model 2001876
Color Darcie
Size One Size

  • All-in-One seat grows with your child from 5-100 lb, rear- to forward-facing and becomes a belt-positioning booster; save space in your back seat with unique rotating cup holders
  • Simply Safe Adjust Harness System adjusts the height of your harness and headrest; integrated harness storage compartment holds unused harness straps while seat is a belt positioning booster
  • Engineered & crash tested to meet or exceed US standard FMVSS 213; the SlimFit car seat has been side impact tested for occupant retention solely with the built-in 5-point harness system; features EPS foam
  • InRight LATCH system for an easy, one-second LATCH attachment; 4-position recline helps keep your growing child comfy, in rear- and forward-facing modes
  • Plush supports keep your child comfortable and are removable; washable seat cover is easy to access without removing the harness
  • Steel-reinforced frame provides strength and durability

  • The Graco SlimFit All-in-One convertible car seat saves space in your backseat, while giving your child plenty of room to grow. The unique, rotating cup holders simply rotate away, making the seat 10% slimmer to save precious back seat space. It's a rear-facing (5-40 lb) and forward-facing (22-65 lb) car seat, as well as a belt-positioning booster (30-100 lb). The Simply Safe Adjust Harness System means you can easily adjust the harness and headrest together, to accommodate your growing child with ease. With 4-recline positions, you can keep your child comfortable, while the InRight LATCH system makes installation easy with a one-second attachment. The seat is side-impact tested, and Safe Seat Engineered, giving you peace of mind. With all these great benefits, in a sleek space saving design, the SlimFit is the perfect car seat.

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