7AM Enfant Car Seat Cocoon, Wind and Water Resistant, Versatile, On-the-Go and Elasticized Car Seat Cover Micro-Fleece Lined (Black, One Size 0-12 months)

7AM Enfant
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  • EASY & SAFE: no material between baby and car seat with elastic base made for easy installation and removal
  • Central zipper for quick access to baby and side shoulder zippers for uncovering baby's head
  • Water resistant outer shell and ultra-soft premium insulation with micro-fleece lining
  • Machine washable
  • Temperature Rating: -4°F/-20°C

  • Think of the Cocoon as a puffy coat for your baby's car seat! It fits all models perfectly, slipping on and off in seconds and fitting snugly thanks to a simply designed elastic base. And though it's resistant to both wind and rain, it's ultra-lightweight and comfortable for your little one. It's a timesaver, too. You won't have to struggle with multiple layers of garments, overcoats, or bundling blankets—the Cocoon is designed to keep your baby toasty and cozy even in the harshest conditions. The Cocoon also boasts a safe, anti-slip back panel, allowing easy access to the five-point harness, ultra-soft insulation, and microfleece lining.

    Brand: 7AM Enfant, Model: CSC-BK, Color: Black, Size: One size

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