Strobelite PLUS offers over 200 effective watt seconds of power all in a compact self-contained unit. Adjust the light output from 1/4 to full (or anywhere in between) to control the amount of light onto the subject. The unique auto dump feature automatically dumps power when adjustments are made from high to low to ensure you capture that next shot with perfect lighting. Fast recycle times and built-in slave trippers offer flexibility for both studio and location work. The built-in slave tripper can be shut off through use of a separate on/off button. The 100 watt modeling lamp allows you to see exactly where the light and shadow will fall on the subject before setting off the Strobelite's flash and is controlled by its on power switch. Ready light and on/off audible beep ensures your lights are ready when you are. Housed in high-impact polycarbonate with an all metal tilting bracket, the unit is lightweight, durable and ready for travel. With a quick release faceplate, a built-in umbrella mount and a standard reflector mount, you can easily mount a wide range of accessories. Unit comes standard with user changeable flash tube, modeling lamp, reflector, removable power cord and protective travel cap. Brand: Photo Basics, Model: 200, Color: Black
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