VisibleDust sensor cleaning swabs Vswabs DHAP Orange 1.3 x/20 mm - 12 per pack

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  • The mini-channels, with contour, provide an even saturation of the sensor cleaning swab surface
  • The V shape of the sensor cleaning swab results best maneuverability inside digital camera chamber
  • Double layer High Absorbency fabric is super soft and made of super thin fibers. It is ideal for cleaning a delicate sensor without leaving streaks, pooling or abrasions
  • Compatible ONLY with CMOS Clean and VDust Plus sensor cleaning liquid solutions
  • Fits for approx. 1.3 x / 20 mm sensor size such as Nikon DX Crop Factor and Micro Four Third (Panasonic, Olympus)

  • For cleaning sensor of digital SLR or mirrorless cameras Nikon DX Crop Factor and Micro Four Third system cameras (Panasonic, Olympus) or approximately 1.3 x / 20 mm sensor size. This Double layer High Absorbency fabric is super soft and made of super thin fibers. It is used in cleaning delicate surfaces such as space telescopes. The fabric is woven to be non-shedding. Its high absorbency capacity makes it ideal for the surface cleaning of delicate optics. The fabric has also a unique folding design that creates a softer edge compared to a hot sealing process. The mini-channels, with contour, provide an even saturation of the swab's paddles surface while preventing pooling and vertical flow at the edge. This reduces streaks associated with traditional flat surface swabs. The mini-channels also provide the extra reservoir to absorb the excessive liquid and prolonging the moisture life of the swab during the sensor cleaning process. Compatible ONLY with CMOS Clean and VDust Plus sensor cleaning liquid solutions.
    Brand: VisibleDust, Model: V2863168

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