Tuscani 8 Stainless Steel Reusable Ice Cubes with Tongs

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  • Stainless steel ice cubes always is packaged in the HealthPro retail packing. Be careful of counterfeits, they are not food-grade and tested like HealthPro cubes are.
  • Food-grade stainless steel liquid-filled cubes are a non-diluting alternative to ice
  • Keep fine liquor ice-cold without losing flavor
  • Great for whiskey, vodka, liqueurs, white wine and more
  • Place in the freezer for approximately four hours before use

  • These cubes are the new ice. Because HealthPro ice cubes will never melt and dilute your drinks. Simply place them in the freezer for a few hours, then slip a handful into a glass and pour out your favorite liquor, like a top-shelf single malt. In minutes, your drink is nicely chilled-and full strength. Afterwards, just rinse, dry and replace the stones in the freezer for next time. Always ready to chill when you are. HealthPro ice cubes are made of stainless steel. Each measures approx. ¾" square with smoothed edges that won't mar glasses. Available in a set of 8 with stanless steel tongs.. Great for cooling down non-alcoholic drinks, too. Includes: - 8 Stainless steel gel filled ice cubes - Stainless steel tongs
    Brand: ProHealth, Model: Icecubes, Color: NIL

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