Trekking 12318 Wrist Camera Strap for Camera

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  • Comfort design that will not over-tighten as you wear it
  • Compatible with other Trekking straps
  • Pocket for spare memory card

  • The brand new Wrist Camera Strap is the latest from Trekking, makers of the popular Safari Strap. This ultra-comfortable wrist strap attaches with Velcro to the wrist, and won't over tighten as you wear it. The camera stays securely leashed in case of an accidental drop. The Wrist Camera Strap also uses the same quick-release connections as the rest of the Trekking line, so it can be interchanged in seconds with the Safari straps or Comfort neck strap. It even includes a pocket for a spare memory card, so you can travel light and still be prepared to shoot.
    Brand: Trekking, Model: TS12318, Color: Black

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