Sto-Fen Omni-Bounce OM-900 Flash Diffuser (for Nikon SB-900 / Nikon SB-910 / Aperlite YH-500-N/C / Cactus RF60 / Neweer VK750)

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Brand Sto-Fen
Model SFOM900

  • BEAUTIFUL, VIVID IMAGERYThe Sto-Fen flash diffuser helps reduce red-eye, shadows, reflections and variable lighting to create gorgeous portraits.
  • SUPERIOR PORTABILITYSlim and lightweight, this professional light diffuser provides soft bounce lighting for amateurs and professionals. Use it for home shots, while traveling or on the go.
  • QUICK ATTACH/DETACHThe diffuser is designed to attach and detach rapidly with NO Velcro is ever required so you can quickly switch between cameras, image styles, and layouts.
  • PRECISION COMPATIBILITYDesigned specifically for theNikon SB-900Nikon SB-910Aperlite YH-500Cactus RF60Neweer VK750Phottix Mitros TTL.
  • SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDMade in the USA, Sto-Fen products are created with superior quality materials backed by customer service you can trust. And because every order comes with a 30-day money back guarantee, purchase risk free.

  • The Omni-Bounce creates a Diffused Bare Bulb Effect. Giving even coverage across the entire frame, with lenses from 15mm to 200mm in the 35mm format. (And equal in other formats as well.)The Omni-Bounce is easy to use and goes onto and off of your flash in seconds with custom fitting, except UNI, and No Velcro.Designed for years of service with out the bulk of some other Diffusers, it is small enough to fit easily into your gadget bag or pocket.

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