Rokinon CV85M-C 85mm t/1.5 Aspherical Lens for Canon with De-Clicked Aperture and Follow Focus Compatibility Fixed Lens

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  • Features the same outstanding quality as our Rokinon 85mm f/1.4 lens
  • Features De-clicked aperture to reduce noise and jerking motions, Aperture range t/1.5- t/22
  • Internal focusing mitigates lens breathing
  • Lens is follow focus compatible to enable the user to focus and use the aperture ring without interrupting video shooting
  • minimum focusing distance 3.6-Feet
  • Lens not zoomable
  • Lens not zoomable

  • The new Rokinon 85mm Cine Lens is made especially for DSLR video enthusiasts, videographers and cinematographers. It features the same outstanding image quality as the standard Rokinon 24mm F1.4 lens but has the added benefits of de-clicked apertures and follow focus compatibility. De-clicked apertures means that there are no hard clicks when changing apertures and the aperture can be manually set to a very specific number (like f/1.7, f/2.8). The lens has also been constructed so that it can be easily attached to follow focus systems which are widely used by videographers. The Rokinon Cine lenses are the most affordable, high quality lenses in the market today.
    Brand: Rokinon, Model: CV85M-C, Color: Black

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