Easier to use than shiny silver reflectors because reflected light is more uniform
Softer fill light with flash and bright outdoor light
Avoid hot spots common with shiny silver reflectors
Natural White surface provides a color neutral reflected light
Collapses to 12" diameter to easily stow in gear bag
Create softer fill light and avoid hot spots in your fill light with the Rogue 2-in-1 Super Soft Silver collapsible reflector. Rogue designed its Super Soft Silver custom fabric to make a better 2-in-1 reflector. Other silver reflectors are typically made with inferior fabrics and a shiny silver surface which often produces a harsher fill light than desirable, especially when used with bright light sources. The custom Super Soft Silver fabric makes a more durable and longer lasting reflector that's easier to use because it produces a bright fill light while eliminating the hot spots commonly associated with shiny silver reflectors. Super Soft Silver provides more kick than white fabric, while avoiding the harshness of the mirror like reflections produced by shiny silver reflectors. For an even softer and more subtle fill light, use the Natural White side of the reflector. Unlike most white-surfaced reflectors which actually have a bluish tint to the fabric, Rogue's Natural White fabric is remarkably neutral, providing a more natural and pleasing fill light. Brand: Rogue Photographic Design, Model: ROGUE32SW, Color: Silver/White
Custom Tab 01
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