4" Rod Pocket on the top. Cover stitch line sewn. All the sewing lines are with matching color thread.
Sashes are shipped untied, folded and wrapped
Sides and bottom is surged/merrow finished for a clean finished look.
9 feet high x 5 feet high
The bottom and sides are sewn and finished with Merrow / Serger machine for a clean look. The top has a 4" rod pocket which can be sewn with a over-stitch machine as per your request, or a classic Merrow and single needle. If you do have a preference, please contact us with your order. The panels are often used with pipe and drape system as a backdrop or divider found in all hotels, banquets centers, other event locations or as a backdrop for maternity, newborn and baby photography . This fabric is made of black flocking done on a white or color taffeta backing. Flocking is a process of shooting velvet like material on the adhesive fabric. The result is a velvet like raised print on a crisp silk like taffeta fabric. 100% polyester fabric, can be machine washed. Please test wash using your specific detergent. Brand: LA Linen, Model: ABMC16, Color: Black and Copper, Size: 5" X 9"
Custom Tab 01
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