Secure quick release system for easy installation and removal of cameras
Adjustable for left or right handed operation
Supports up to 8 pounds
The cleverly adaptable fluid camera head. Getting perfect results quickly is hassle free thanks to the Manfrotto 128RC Micro Fluid Video Head. This smart camera head is specially designed for cameras weighing up to 4kg, and it has plenty of design friendly features to make every shoot a doddle. Professional fluidity on both the pan and tilt axes make your movements super smooth and sure. A quick release camera plate comes as part of the package, so you can set up in moments and get your camera connected fast. This video head is made to look good and last. The painted black aluminium body is designed to withstand even heavy use, and it's versatile too. The flat base enables you to connect a variety of tripods, so you can mix and match as needed depending on the job in hand. Brand: Manfrotto, Model: 128RC, Color: Black, Size: 13.6 x 4.6 x 5.2 inches
Custom Tab 01
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