Jag35 TPLPRO Tripod Plate Pro (Black/Orange)

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  • Handles even your heaviest camera setups
  • Made from strong and lightweight aluminum
  • Features both 1/4-20 and 3/8 holes

  • When you need a tripod mount that will handle even your heaviest camera setups, the Jag35 Tripod Plate Pro is exactly what you're looking for. Made from strong and lightweight aluminum, the Tripod Plate Pro is stronger and more robust than the other options, to handle the weight of a heavier camera along with any accessories your setup requires. This Tripod Plate includes both a 1/4- 20 and 3/8-16 threaded mounts, to be compatible with a variety of tripod head brands. The Tripod Pro's rail-blocks accept any industry Standard 15mmm rods, and we've upgraded it to work more cohesively with any brand rods that conform to the industry standard, achieving a tighter hold and eliminating the risk of scratching your rods. The way we machine our Tripod Plate Pro has been given an improvement, as we now mill them instead of using a water jet. This makes our product, smoother and better fitting. We've also upgraded our anodizing techniques, this along with our better machining, gives the Tripod Pro a shinier and smoother finish and a more even, longer lasting color. All these Improvements have been made to make our Tripod Plate Pro more efficient when using and to give it a more professional look.
    Brand: Jag35, Model: TPLPRO, Color: Black/Orange, Size: compact

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