Perfect for use during hiking, birding, camping, sports and culture events
Fixed auto focus lens system that gives clear view from 10ft out
Mini size and super lightweight
Very attractive soft rubber coated main body
Small, Lightweight Binocular that is instantly clear. No focus adjustment needed!This popular Hammers compact 6x18 travel binocular is small, lightweight, and perfect for use during hiking, birding, camping, sports and cultural events. It weighs merely 4.4oz. and gives ample 6x power for most instances. The binocular has fixed auto focus lens system that gives instant clear view from 10ft out when you hold it up to your eyes. It also features 18-mm objective lenses with premium Ruby red coatings for sharper, more detailed images. Very attractive soft rubber coated main body. Comfortable and non-slippery grip when using. Includes soft carrying case and neck strap. Size: 2 1/4"W x 3 1/8"L x 1 3/4"D when folded. Weight: 4.4 oz. Brand: Hammers, Model: B0618AF
Custom Tab 01
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