Includes brush, micro-fiber cloth, cleaning solution, Rocket Blaster and cotton swabs
Includes small Rocket Blaster for precise cleaning
Unique cotton swabs with blunt and sharpened ends
Great kit for both video and still imaging cameras
5.3-Inch Rocket Blaster
Lint-free white micro fiber cleaning cloth
Alcohol and ammonia-free cleaning solution
Soft goat's hair brush
Safe for use with all cameras, digital cameras, filters, cell phones, LCD screens, eyeglasses, binoculars and other optical equipment
Giottos supplies a range of products for cleaning lenses, filters, finders, LCD screens, computer screen and TV screens. All of the kits include an adjustable length, wide goat's hair brush, an effective cleaning solution and a quality micro fiber lens cleaning cloth that is washable for added life! The set include 10 of Giotto's unique cotton swabs with both a blunt end and a sharpened end to clean into the edges and corners! The kit also includes the Small Giottos Rocket Blaster to safely remove dust! Brand: Giotto's, Model: KIT-1001, Color: Black
Custom Tab 01
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