Utilizes the new Speed Mount design that allows switching out modifiers in seconds
Collapses to 1 1/2 inches for ultimate portability and convenience
Provides maximum efficiency and directional lighting control over strobes
Focuses light in areas you want and away from areas you don't
Includes Speed Snoot, power grid, cinch strap, and field guide
The NEW Collapsible Speed Snoot give photographers maximum efficiency and directional control over strobe lighting when mounted off-camera, allowing one to create cutting edge, fashion style special effects. The black finish of the Speed Snoot blocks the light spilled out of the sides of the diffuser so instead of filling a room with soft light, the photographer can project the light directly onto the subject with a controlled yet soft burst that is great for hair highlighting, selective lighting of subjects, or highlighting a subject against a busy background. In other words, the Speed Snoot allows you to focus light into the areas you want to highlight, and more importantly away from the areas you don't. Brand: Gary Fong, Model: GF-SSNOOT, Color: Black
Custom Tab 01
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