Fovitec StudioPRO Professional Strobe Speedlight Flash Reflector Silver Black Reflective Parabolic Umbrella - 6 feet

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  • Silver interior for contrasted and vibrant images
  • Creates flattering round catch lights in the subject's eye
  • Very soft light transitions
  • Easy assembly and storage
  • Fiber glass rods are lightweight and durable

  • The Studio PRO professional silver with black parabolic umbrella is 6 feet wide when opened. This large umbrella maximizes the light output with the reflective silver lining. The use of the silver lined umbrella amps up the contrast and color vibrancy. Use the this big beautiful umbrella just like the professional photographers do for a high quality image and enormously soft light. The larger the light source in relation to the subject, the softer the quality of light. This umbrella will take your photographs to the next level of professionalism for the beginner's price. Made of high quality fiberglass rods that are strong enough to resist the use from even the most avid user. Despite the large opened size, this umbrella collapses to a compact size to take on location. Technical specs weight: 4 lbs. Dimensions open: 6 foot diameter dimensions closed: 45" x 6" x 1" includes carrying sleeve no assembly required compact design and portability fiberglass rods.
    Brand: Fovitec, Model: SP31-013-72, Color: Silver/Black, Size: 6 ft Parabolic Umbrella

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