Control Autofocus and Shutter Triggering, Capture Images without Camera Shake
Ideal for Taking Long Exposures
Use for Continuous or Single Exposures
No Battery Required-Powered by Camera
Larger, More Comfortable Form Factor
Whether you are shooting in the studio or outdoors, the Foto&Tech Wired Remote Switch for Nikon DSLRs with 10-Pin Connection provides you with a simple way to control exposures and an easy-to use-tool to create more "keepers". The unit provides functionality such as: autofocusing, continuous shooting or single image capture and long time exposures. Since you can trigger exposures without touching the camera you will capture clear, blur-free images. The unit requires no batteries - it draws its power from the camera. The Wired Remote Switch is a huge asset to keep in your studio or gear bag. This particular wired switch uses a cable that's 110 cm long, and is compatible with cameras that use the Nikon 10-Pin Connection, i.e. Nikon D4s, D4, D3, D3x, D3s, D800, D800E, D2, D2H, D2Hs, D2X, D2Xs, D1, D1H, D1X, D200, D300, D300x, D300s, D700 DSLRs. Compatible Cameras Nikon: D4s, D4, D3, D3x, D3s, D800, D800E, D2, D2H, D2Hs, D2X, D2Xs, D1, D1H, D1X, D200, D300, D300x, D300s, D700. Press the button half-way in to autofocus. Depress the button fully to trigger the shutter Press the button and slide it forward to lock for long exposures Larger, more comfortable form factor. Brand: Foto&Tech, Model: NK-MC-30, Size: Compatible Nikon MC-30
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