Custom SLR C-Loop Camera Strap Mount - Black

Custom SLR
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  • Eliminate Strap Interference: Quicker access, flexibility, and improved handling
  • Smooth Rotation: The C-Loop swivels 360 degrees to reduce tangling and for smooth panning
  • Low Profile: Transition from landscape to portrait shots without the strap getting in the way
  • Increased Security: Lens comfortably tucks away, making mobility easy in tight or crowded areas
  • Compatibility: Works with existing camera straps and all devices with a tripod mount

  • C-Loop is truly a "Why didn't I think of that" solution. We created the C-Loop Camera Strap Tripod Mount because we were frustrated by the traditional top-mounted strap that was always tangling and getting in the way of shots. By relocating the mounting position to the bottom of the camera and integrating a 360-degree swivel, the C-Loop prevents strap interference and stays tight and secure, resulting in an effortless and worry-free shooting experience. Now you can transition from landscape to portrait mode without the strap falling in your face or blocking the viewfinder, and with your camera hanging upside down from the strap, you can tuck it to your side for easy movement through crowds and tight spaces. Use the C-Loop with the M-Plate Pro for seamless transition to a tripod.
    Brand: Custom SLR, Model: CL01B, Color: Black

    Custom Tab 01

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