Cowboystudio 33 inch Photography Studio Translucent Shoot Through White Umbrella

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  • One (1) 33" white studio umbrella
  • This size is good for head shots and small to medium sized products.
  • This translucent umbrella is a plus for location shots.

  • This White Translucent Studio Umbrella is perfect for your setup and would be a great addition to your studio. This umbrella works well to diffuse the light from any flash, creating a soft even light for your subject. The lack of a black backing gives this umbrella the ability to flash through the umbrella if needed to simulate the effects of a Softbox.

    This umbrella is light weight and portable which makes it perfect for location shots. The size of the umbrella works great for head shots and other small to medium sized photographs.


  • 33” wide when open
  • 23” long when closed
  • Please note, the stand and reflector are not included with this listing.


    1. Place the umbrella stand upright by popping out the tripod legs. Screw the legs into place with the turning knob to secure it on the ground. Always set up the stand on a flat surface.
    2. Fit the umbrella holder on top of the stand. The holder has a hot shoe on top to hold the camera or flash and a circular hole on bottom. Insert the brass bushing on top of the stand into the umbrella holder. Tighten the screw to secure the holder in place.
    3. Slide the flash into the hot shoe, and tighten the thumb screw to hold it in place. If you are working with a flash trigger, twist it onto the bottom of the flash, and fit the whole flash unit into the hot shoe.
    4. Pop out the umbrella, and slide the rod into the cylindrical hole located on in the middle of the holder, below the hot shoe. The hole is angled slightly. Insert the rod so that it is lower than the umbrella. Tighten the screw on the side to hold it into place.
    5. Adjust the angle of the flash so it points into the center of the umbrella. Turn the knob located above the hot shoe to angle the flash. Tighten the screw when it is in place.

    Brand: CowboyStudio, Model: 33" white umb, Size: 33 inch

    Custom Tab 01

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