High Quality: The magnetic photo frame holds the picture in tight from the side so it doesn't fall out. These picture frames are PROUDLY MADE IN USA.
Includes: Four (4"x 6") & Two (5"x 7") magnetic frames.
Open Pocket Design: Easily insert and remove the photos when it's time to change the picture in these flexible and open pocket designed Freez-A-Frame small magnetic picture frames.
Slam Proof Magnet: The magnetic photo pocket stays firmly on the fridge or metal cabinet with the strong 'Slam Proof' magnet on the full back.
Wallet Size Frame: Great way to display the wallet size photos of your loved ones on the fridge at home or metal cabinet at work or school.
Great magnetic photo pockets comes with a 'Slam Proof Magnet' on the full back, which keeps them steady on the refrigerator or a file cabinet. Easy to insert the small size photos of your loved ones in the clear and flexible magnetic photo frames. You can reuse these small magnetic picture frames by simply removing the photos when it's time to change. These refrigerator picture frames keep the photos tight in so it doesn't fall out. This set of Freez-A-Frame magnetic photo pockets for refrigerator includes four (4"x 6") and two (5"x 7") magnetic frames! These magnetic picture frames are PROUDLY MADE IN USA. Brand: Freez-A-Frame, Model: 34425, Color: Clear, Size: 4x6, 5x7
Custom Tab 01
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