Celestron 21062 AstroMaster 70 EQ Refractor Telescope

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  • Aperture: 70mm; focal length: 900mm; focal ratio: 13
  • Focal length of eyepiece 1/2: 20mm/10mm; magnification of eyepiece 1/2: 45x/90x
  • Finder scope: built-on star pointer; Star diagonal: erect image diagonal - 1.25 inch
  • Mount type: cg-2 equatorial; limiting stellar magnitude: 11.7
  • Highest/lowest useful magnification: 165x/10x; light gathering power: 100x

  • If you're looking for a dual-purpose telescope appropriate for both terrestrial and celestial viewing, then the AstroMaster Series is for you. Each AstroMaster model is capable of giving correct views of land and sky. The AstroMaster Series produce bright, clear images of the Moon and planets. It is easy to see the moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn with every one of these fine instruments. For views of the brighter deep space objects like galaxies and nebulae, we recommend the larger aperture and light gathering ability of the Newtonian reflectors.
    Brand: Celestron, Model: 21062, Color: Multi Colored

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