Celestron 21024 FirstScope Telescope

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  • High quality Dobsonian style stand with a 76 mm reflector optical tube make FirstScope an ideal entry level astronomical telescope
  • Portable and lighweight table-top design makes it easy to store, transport and setup your FirstScope Telescope
  • FirstScope is very easy to observe with, the user simply navigates the night sky by moving the tube in the direction of their desired object
  • Stylish and decorative design makes FirstScope a wonderful keepsake for anyone interested in astronomy

  • FirstScope pays tribute to the men and women who brought us one step closer to understanding the universe around us! In 1609, world-renowned Italian scientist, Galileo Galilei, introduced an elementary telescope to the growing astronomy community which sparked interest into the mysterious night sky for centuries to come. Four centuries later, Celestron offers the portable FirstScope Telescope. The FirstScope pays tribute to Galileo Galilei and many of history's most notable astronomers and scientists by displaying their names around the optical tube. We honor the contributions of these men and women, who brought us one step closer to understanding the universe around us. The FirstScope is a wonderful keepsake for anyone interested in astronomy. This quality Dobsonian style telescope features a 76 mm aperture reflector optical tube. FirstScope is an ideal entry level astronomical telescope. It is very easy to observe with, the user simply navigates the night sky by moving the tube in the direction of their desired object, making the viewing experience a snap! The compact design makes it easy enough to take with you on your next outdoor adventure. FirstScope is also stylish enough to be a decorative fixture on your bookshelf or desk.
    Brand: Celestron, Model: 21024, Color: Black

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